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Everything posted by SierraCL

  1. Ja, hvordan er dette igjen? Syns bilen legger seg litt mye i svingene så vil prøve med stab.stag bak, men her er det vel forskjellige typer? Og hvordan blir det festa under bilen? Bilder?
  2. Er det mulig å løsne denne fra stålrøret uten å ødelegge den? [/url]">http://http://s84.photobucket.com/user/sierracl/media/Uten%20navn_zpsktorc6oo.png.html'>
  3. Jeg beundrer mennesker som klarer å beholde fatninga under slike omstendigheter.
  4. Ække no sånn fænsy startsperre på den motorn som blir vanskelig ve? Den fra Focus mener jeg...
  5. Jeg kjøpte nordic Green til sierran herfra, stemte bra den. http://www.odegard-lakk.no
  6. Sjekka akkurat tilstand i madrassen, men kom ut litt short gitt...
  7. Kopiert fra mc2racing.com: For decades Merkur owners have not had a nice upgraded front spring available to fit an unmodified strut. Yes, there are a ton of companies out there that offer "drop springs", but those springs are nothing more than shorter versions of the stock piece, perhaps with a 10% bump in stiffness. Seeing as the stock front spring is 97lb/in, that 10% stiffness results in a spring with a 107lb/in rate, which is just as pathetic. The truth of the matter is that all models of Merkurs were marketed somewhere between a luxury car and a touring car, which is basically the opposite of a sports car. Merkur equipped their vehicles with soft springs, soft dampers, mandatory moonroofs after '87, and skinny wheels and tires. Don't the the looks fool you - Merkur targeted this car for boring use. Perhaps we're biased in this belief, but it seems that most Merkur owners these days envision their car tearing up the Autobahn, thrashing around the Nurburgring, or at least holding its own during a mad run around the cloverleaf. Well, if you want your Merkur to be sporty, you must ditch the weak stock front springs. Increasing the stock front spring rate produces a car that is more responsive and stays flatter in the turns. Handling also increases, and it increases by a lot. Conventional wisdom leads you to believe that as you increase the front spring rate, the car will push more. Well, this is not the case with a Merkur, for the car pushes less when the front springs are upgraded. Since the stock front springs are so soft, the car often (indetectably) rolls onto its bump stops, and when the bump stops are compressed the front spring rate of the car immediately shoots to infinity. A car with an infinite front spring rate will push like none other. Installing stiffer front springs keeps the car off its bump stops, avoids the infinite spring rate condition, and allows the car to handle properly instead of pushing. Note that a 10% stiffer spring will not even come close to keeping the car off its bump stops, and since most aftermarket springs lower the car, it is even easier for it to fully compress the front suspension. Most "drop springs" are absolutely one of the worst handling modifications you can make to a Merkur. We now offer three upgraded front springs that fit the stock strut. No coilover conversion required! The first option is the one we recommend the most - a 200lb/in spring that maintains stock ride height. This spring rate is simply wonderful for the XR4Ti, providing a healty bump in spring rate that yields a sporty feel while not overpowering OEM-style struts. The two other options sacrifice spring rate for a lower ride height. That's a tough sacrifice to make in our opinion, but we understand that some Merkur owners want a lower ride height without paying coilover prices, and these springs at least offer lowering without that horrific "10% stiffer" rate. Specifically, the 175lb/in spring increases stiffness 80% over stock and lowers the car 0.75", and the 150lb/in spring increases stiffness 55% over stock and lowers the car 1.50". These are Hypercoil springs, so they're the pinnacle of quality, and you know exactly what you're getting from a rate standpoint. Important Notes:Weight: 11.0lbsApplication: XR4Ti,ScorpioThese springs are sold as a pair.
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/FORD-SIERRA-MK2-2-9-V6-TOP-RADIATOR-MOUNTING-RUBBERS-NEW-GENUINE-FORD-X2-/272552610250?hash=item3f7566c9ca:g:29AAAOSwImRYlvbi
  9. Ofte problem med chokespjeld og trykkregulator på de der. Men ja, service på tenningsanlegg først, det er første bud.
  10. Jeg øyna et håp, men.... Har du finni noe skriv om at oktan fremdeles blir lik 95? Lite å finne om detta enda...
  11. Jeg ser dette som et godt alternativ til 98oktan som mer eller mindre er borte. På ene eller andre måten øke sylindertrykk og justere opp bensinmengde - mer pulver. Meninger dere som kan slikt?
  12. Fint, da prøver vi. Lei fjærer som ikke holder ett år engang. (knekker) Kjøpte 200 punds fjærer fra mc2 racing nå og de er uten den grisehalen i bunn.
  13. Hønngammal tråd, men fortsetter her istedet for å lage ny. Har det noe å si på en eu-kontroll om det er brukt sylindriske fjærer der det egentlig skal være koniske?
  14. Treognitti'n min har seksogtjuge......
  15. Er vel en del info i "min trimming av 2.9i" lengre ned på siden.
  16. Satt å kikka litt i fotobøtta her. Blir litt nostalgisk da... [/url]"> 10 år sia... Tia flyr Var så heftig den nostalgi-trippen min at det endte opp i feil tråd...
  17. Hva skjer med venstre framskjerm? Den var rar...
  18. Regner med at det ikke er like lameller i bakdiff og senterdiff?
  19. Får man kjøpt den sirupen som er inni der altså?
  20. Blitt så gammal at ski er interessant og kjører fortsatt Sierra [/url]">http://s84.photobucket.com/user/sierracl/media/Foto0138_zpswrl2kunq.jpg.html'>
  21. Vaiern fra ebay var tredd inn feil vei i strømpa Kikka på nettsida di Caprimaniac, men fant ikke til dohc... Har du en link?
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